Being Thankful For Freedom

Being Thankful For Freedom

Text: John 8:31-36

There are some who have been set free from bondage, yet refuse to move on. They don’t know how. We must abide in Christ, which means to trust God and what He wants for us. . .then freedom will come. Let go of all of what YOU want and walk with God. A life of consistancy in Christ is what is needed. We have to know the Truth, understand the Truth, and accept the Truth in order to be set free. The Truth will reconcile us back to the Lord, and bring Light. It exposes what’s in the dark and brings clarity to the lies. Our pride makes us reject the Truth. When we’re in sin, we don’t control the sin. . .the sin controls us, which makes us a slave to sin.

Freedom isn’t free. It will cost you your life. . .a life dedicated to Jesus! Then, freedom will come!

When the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!

Truth + Son = Freedom