Do You Have Enough Oil?

Do You Have Enough Oil?

Text: Matthew 25:1-13

Jesus is coming back and He wants us to be ready!

The church is like the 10 virgins in this parable. Some of us are prepared for the Lord’s return and some of us are not. Some come to church every Sunday and worship the Lord with the best of them. Some even get baptized and join the church. We know how to dress, how to act, and the right things to say. We have all the head knowledge, but it hasn’t reached our hearts. We don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus.

We can’t make it into the Kingdom by church attendance, by our worship, by getting baptized, or joining a church. . .not even by our parent’s salvation or a friend’s prayer life. WE MUST GET OUR OWN OIL! Good deeds will not do it. We have an enemy, satan, who is after our souls!

Don’t wait to the last minute. It may be too late!

Do You Have Enough Oil?