A Call To Faithfulness

A Call To Faithfulness

Text: James 4:4-10

Unfaithfulness is a terrible thing in any relationship. God made a covenant with us and He’ll accept nothing less. What drives unfaithfulness is the world. . . a corrupt moral system. The world celebrates sin. Everything that God hates, the world celebrates. The world changes our priorities. The enemy wants to use his system to keep us from worshiping God. The enemy wants to make us ungrateful for what we have and desire the things we don’t have. If we have one foot in our relationship with the Lord and one foot in the world, we are in enmity with God. The world does not dictate how we live. We live by the Word of God. God has an intense love for us and He wants us to be faithful to Him. We need to let go of the things of the world and give Him EVERYTHING! He is enough!