Sermons from July 2023

Sermons from July 2023

Pathway to Freedom-Slavery To Sonship

Various scripture There are three freedoms: 1. Freedom from. . .rules and regulations. 2. Freedom to. . .do what I want. 3. Freedom to be. . .whatever and whoever I want to be. There are types of chains: 1. Chains of the flesh. 2. Chains resulting from wounds and trauma. 3. Chains we have inherited. There are areas of bondage: 1. Appetite 2. Anguish 3. Affliction The Holy Spirit wants to do an assessment on us to help us to…

Corrupted By Companionship

Texts: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 1 Kings, 2:1-4; 1 Kings 3:1-12; 1 Kings 11:1-14; Deuteronomy 17:17-19 Evil company corrupts good habits. Every believer needs the Word of God. We can’t go wrong when we obey His Word. We are to seek the Lord and ask Him to help us to be more like Him. Ask for wisdom to be able to discern right from wrong. Ask whom we can serve. We need to humble ourselves and put others…


Texts: Matthew 21:33-30; Luke 10:1-12, 12-21, Mark 4:35-41 God is not looking for servants of God. He’s looking for children of God. God is not our boss. He is our Father! Servants get by with their paycheck. Children have an inheritance, and what comes with our inheritance is authority! We need to change our mindset! We are children of the Most High God who have the authority to speak healing and peace and deliverance over our family and others. Let’s…

God Is Enough

Texts: Romans 8:31; Judges 6-7:22 God, with a little, is more than enough. God wants to provide for us. He just wants us to obey. He does not want us to stay in sin. He saved us to bring us out of sin. God’s Word is TRUTH! When He says go, we go! When He says stop, we stop! We can’t just be hearers of the Word. We need to be doers of the Word. When we obey God’s Word,…