Being Doers Of The Word

Being Doers Of The Word

Text: James 1:21-27

How can we be doers of the Word? How can we live this thing out? Recognize sin in our lives and get rid of it! Sin can block hearing the Word of God properly. We need to take time to cultivate our lives so the Word can grow in us when we hear it. The Word of God brings life! It can save our soul! Our hearts have to be good soil, so when we hear it, it will take root and grow. We then need to actively walk the walk and not just talk the talk. We need to act on what we hear. . .we need to be doers of the Word! When we hear the Word of God, we are accountable for walking in it. We can’t just ignore what we’ve heard. When we need to know what to do and how to act. . .the Bible is our guide. The Bible is the mirrow we use to show us what our lives should look like. The Word of God is like an x-ray. When we compare our lives to the Word, it will tell us exactly what’s going on in our lives. . .good and bad. And, once we start living the Word, it will bring us freedom. We need to listen, obey, and live the Word. It will produce something good! Let’s follow the instructions for our lives. . .the Bible!