Sermons by Cory Shupryt

Sermons by Cory Shupryt

Real Salvation Changes Everything

Texts: Various How do we go and make disciples if we’re miserable all the time? Salvation touches our entire being (body, soul, and spirit). . .our entire life. God has us here for a purpose. Real salvation is living out that purpose to be the best spouse, the best parent, the best co-worker, etc. We should be living our lives with excellence! We are to be a light in the world, but how do we get there?

It’s A Good Time To Get A Divorce

Text: Ezra 9:1-10:5 A woman has the power, authority, and responsibility to raise up a child in the way he should go. A woman, also, has the power to lead us astray. . .away from true worship. The things of the world can lead us astray. We make them idols. It’s time to divorce ourselves from all these things. It’s gonna hurt! But, we must divorce them. God wants us holy. Let’s get the “worldliness” out of us! It’s a…

Is There A King In The Church

Texts: Various When did the reality of Christianity become a way of just “getting by”? Do we have expectations of meeting with God and hearing from God when we go to church? When did Christianity become so powerless? Are we just going through the motions? Christianity is about a person. . .Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is alive!

Why Many “Christians” Will Go To Hell

Texts: Matthew 12:1-8, 22-37; Romans 11:17-22 Many people know there’s a God and believe in Him. But, where do they stand with Jesus? The One Who died for us! We must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. What does that mean? It’s a supernatural transformation from the inside out. That’s your testimony! If you haven’t accepted Jesus into your heart and made Him Savior of you life, make Jesus your new year’s resolution! Trust in His Name…

Is Your Veil Still UP

Texts: Matthew 13:24-30; Matthew 27:32-54; Hebrews 8:1-5; Genesis 3:8-9 We are experiencing birth pains and the job of the believer is to keep our focus. Jesus is coming! The King of Kings is coming back! Good and evil are growing under the same conditions. God wants us to still keep producing fruit, even under these chaotic times. What kind of fruit are you producing? When we disobey God, we put up a veil between ourselves and Him. We neglect God.…

Lord, Examine My Heart

Text: Exodus 28 How often do we treat sermons as new year’s resolutions? Christianity is a walk and a relationship with our Savior. It’s a process. We are priests unto God and we are to minister unto Him. Man sees the outward appearance, but God sees the heart. We need to examine ourselves. God is calling us out of our human ways and wants us to live for Him and in His ways. He is the Lord Who examines the…


Texts: Matthew 21:33-30; Luke 10:1-12, 12-21, Mark 4:35-41 God is not looking for servants of God. He’s looking for children of God. God is not our boss. He is our Father! Servants get by with their paycheck. Children have an inheritance, and what comes with our inheritance is authority! We need to change our mindset! We are children of the Most High God who have the authority to speak healing and peace and deliverance over our family and others. Let’s…

Holiness And Chastisement

Texts: Hebrews 12:4-13; 1 Samuel 4:1-22; 1 Samuel 2:27-36; 1 Samuel 2: 12-17, 22-25 Our Father is a Good Father and a good father chastens his children. Is it possible the church has shied away from the Father’s discipline? When we ignore the chastisement of the Father, our lives get out of control and we’re in a storm. Let’s not shy away from what God is telling us. It’s time to humble ourselves and obey. It’s time to get right…

Yes, Lord

Text: 2 Corinthians 1:15-20 When God speaks to us, our answer should always be, Yes, Lord! No negotiations, no doubts, no excuses. Just, Yes, Lord! Our answer is not yes and no. Just, Yes, Lord! What is the Lord saying to you? Just say, Yes, Lord!

Stop Denying The Power

Texts: 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Nehemiah 1:1-11; 2:1-18 We live in a time when most people live with a form of godliness, but denying it’s power. The Power comes through prayer. Let’s not be a people that denies the Power! It’s so easy, in this day and age, to become lovers of ourselves. . .lovers of pleasure. God wants greater things for us! Our lives have to be connected to the Vine! Let’s not forget our God is REAL! God is…