Sermons by Cory Shupryt (Page 2)

Sermons by Cory Shupryt (Page 2)

Let’s Talk About Perseverance

Texts: Joshua 1:1-10; Hebrews 10:32-39 We have an enormous work ahead of us. How often do we find ourselves on the wrong side of the Promised Land? We were made for greater things. Be strong and courageous and have faith in the Word of God! We need to persevere!

Jesus, I Am What You Say I Am

Text: Matthew 15:21-28 God has put a mission. . .a destiny in our hearts. We are meant for great things! True believers will allow Jesus to define them! If He tells us we’re a sinner. . .then, we’re a sinner. If He tells us we’re a saint. . .then, we’re a saint. If He tells us we’re dirty. . .then, we’re dirty. It’s up to us to change things! We are what He says we are! We are a broken…

Standing In This Hour

Text: Mark 14:27-31 We, as believers, talk a good game. And, in that, we believe we are talking truth, and we are talking the desires of our hearts. But, how often, and quickly, do we discover the real truth in that confession? What really happens when the rubber meets the road? Sometimes, we’re not as prepared as we think we are. Why? The church is asleep! Wake up church! The hour is at hand!

Great Responsibility

Text: Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 4:18-19 We’ve become a weak and broken people in this day and age. When did Christianity become so mundane and lose its weight in this world? When did it take a back seat in our lives? What if God asked you to do something that you feel would destroy your life? Would you obey? What is more important. . .to go after our own fleshly desires or to be obedient to the Lord? With Christianity comes…

Living On Water: The Secret To Living In Power

Text: Matthew 14:22-33 We need to start living in the Power and the Authority under the One True King! We’re not supposed to just walk on the water. We’re to LIVE on the water! When we keep our eyes on Christ, even when we make a mistake, He is our safety net. We need to step out in faith. Even if we fail, WE TRIED! And, GOD SAVED US! It’s time to get out of the boat and LIVE on…

On The Road To The Celestial City

Text: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 Christianity isn’t a “feel good” journey all the time. We will have trials and pain. Our minds can’t be set on the here and now. We are on a journey to the Celestial City. That’s our goal and that should be our mindset. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9) We’re on the road to the Celestial City! Let’s…

Increase Is A Requirement, Not A Recommendation

Text: Matthew 25:1-30 People may say, “I’m saved. I know the Lord.” The real question is, “Does the Lord know you?” Our lives are lamps and they should be lit until the day of the Lord. Where is your relationship with the Lord going? Are you growing or is your lamp going out? We can’t be depending on someone else to keep our flame going. It’s up to us to keep our relationship with the Lord on fire. We need…

Bind The Strongman

Texts: 3 John 1:1-3, 11; Matthew 12:43-45 God is not an event! When God speaks, expect it to happen! We have to stop treating God as a program. God desires to bless His people, but we must depart from evil to receive His blessings. When we confess our sin, it’s time to change. We can’t stay the same. God does not forget our confessions, but when we don’t make a change, the devil steps in. God’s Word is real! He…

The Divine Drama

Text” Genesis 2:4-9, 15-17 In the beginning, creation was perfectly good and man lived in perfect relationship with God. In order for us to know God’s love, there needs to be a choice. God is Love and Love gives us a choice. God is a Rewarder and He rewards us for our obedience. There are spiritual laws in place and God does not go back on His Word. He is not a lawbreaker. We will become a slave to whoever…