"Healing" Tagged Sermons

"Healing" Tagged Sermons

The Gospel Of Healing

Texts: Various The goal of getting back what was lost in the garden is more than redemption. God wants the Gospel to permeate our lives. Jesus went about teaching, preaching, and healing. Jesus came and told the devil it’s time for him to leave! All we need is faith to believe. We need to put our trust in a man named Jesus! God has come to set the captive free. All He needs is our faith!

Jesus Our Healer

Texts: Matthew 4:23, Matthew 8:16 Jesus is still healing today as He did before! We need to desire the WHOLE inheritance of the cross. It ALL belongs to us, as believers. When Jesus died on the cross, He did it to save our souls AND to heal our sicknesses. We have the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. Who are you going to believe? God or satan? Believe in Jesus Our Healer! Receive your healing! Jesus took our…

Carrying The Torch Of Healing

Text: Matthew 8:16-17 The Bible tells us Jesus died for our sin. He also died for our sicknesses! We need to understand the covenant. . .the WHOLE of what Jesus did on the cross! Death is the ultimate goal of sickness. . .the ultimate goal of the devil. That’s why we needed the cross. Healing is in the Atonement! Jesus heals! God is still looking for people to trust Him!

God’s Way Of Healing

Text: Matthew 8:16-17; 1 Peter 2:24 God created man without sickness. Through one man, sickness and evil came. But, God paid the price of man breaking the law. We are fighting a real, live deceiver, but Jesus came to fix that problem. To find out what our benefits are, we need to read the Bible. God sees us as saved and healed. We have a tendency to receive that salvation by faith. Then, we stop there. We need to receive…

Healing In The Atonement

Text: Psalm 103:1-4; Genesis 1:26-28, 31 In every battle, we must be able to recognize the enemy. Who’s on our side and who isn’t? When it comes to healing, we need to find the cause, the consequence (curse), the cure. We need a fresh revelation of the atonement. We need to find out if it’s God’s will for all the ailments we see. The atonement is what God used to heal us from the curse. He had to do something…

Naaman’s Healing

In our lives, we have transitional points. Sometimes what God tells us to do may seem crazy, silly, or even foolish. But, we must be obedient in order to receive the blessings. Remember, God’s ways are not our ways. At times, we even need to be desperate for the Lord to receive our blessings. No matter how good we think we are or how much we think we do, we still need Jesus! Put your full trust in God! Hold…