Crucified With Christ

Crucified With Christ

Text: Galatians 2:20

We must die to our flesh, but we can only do it through the leading of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing we can do by ourselves. When Jesus was curcified, we, as believers, were a part of that crucifixion. We are now connected to Him. Nothing in us can set us free from anything! We can’t sanctify ourselves. The only thing we can do is cling to Jesus and have faith and trust in Him. When we have the mindset of, “I can fix this myself”, then, the cross was useless. . .of no avail. All of the sacrifices we make to fix ourselves are invalid. God has set us free and we can live victorious in Him! We no longer live by do’s and don’ts. We live according to the Holy Spirit because Christ lives in us! It’s all about yielding to the Lord. He wants to rise up in us. The same faith we used for our salvation is the same faith that will keep us! It all comes down to this. . .the Lord wants a relationship with us. Let’s completely let go of ourselves and trust in Him. Let’s accept all the benefits of the cross and live in freedom. Our lives are not our own. We belong to Christ!