Faith That Conquers Fear

Faith That Conquers Fear

Text: Hebrews 11:1-3

We belong to God, so we don’t have to fear anything! The one thing that destroys fear is faith. When fear grabs us and we start fighting outside of the Word of God, our faith is being destroyed. We’re trying to fight our battles ourselves and not trusting God. God has NEVER failed us! He’s ALWAYS there! We walk by faith and not by sight. Real faith is not focusing on the problem, but keeping our eyes on God. No matter what’s going on in our lives, we need to believe and trust His Word! Faith doesn’t remove the cross, it gives us the strength to bear the cross. Faith goes beyond the here-and-now and looks to eternity. Faith is having a confidence that God is going to move on our behalf. Even though we may not see anything happening, we have assurance of God’s faithfulness. Our conduct has to go with our faith. When we live in fear, we are calling God a liar. We don’t trust Him. We can have proof of God’s faithfulness through others’ testimonies. The way we act and the things we say are our testimony. Is your testimony for God or against God? Fear steals our perseverance! Fear steals our fight! But, God says. . .persevere! Fight! Have faith! Trust Me! There is no failure in Me!