Faith Without Works Is Dead

Faith Without Works Is Dead

Text: James 2:14-26

Have you ever met someone who could talk a good game? At the end of the day, it’s about what you do, not just about what you say. A lot of people’s “walk” does not match their “talk”. There has to be a difference between the believer and the non-believer. We need to stand out and not blend in. We are here to be a light in the darkness. We have to live a life according to God’s Word. Nothing in this world should pull us away from God. There is nothing that we should be attached to that is more pleasurable or important than living for God. Can faith and works be seperated? Can a person have faith, yet live a life that isn’t producing Godly fruit? The answer is. . .NO! In order for us to believe, we have to have faith in action. We have to live a life that lines up with what we believe. . .a life of obedience. Ask yourself. . .”Am I willing to be obedient regardless of the outcome?” “Am I willg to be obedient if things don’t turn our my way?” Our character and our actions need to be pleasing to God. If we think we can do whatever we want, while going to church on Sunday, singing in the choir, putting money in the offering, and lifting our hands in worship. . .we are wrong! Our lives have to reflect our faith or else our faith is dead. God wants us to live out our faith. Is your faith alive or dead?