It’s A Battle For Your Soul

It’s A Battle For Your Soul

Joshua 3:1-5

We are living in a time when there is “no new thing under the sun.” Things that have been are already happening now. The things that we are about to face are on a higher level. We need to be asking, “Where is the church today at this time?” We need to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Then, we have to prepare ourselves for the battle. We are the body of Christ. We are His vessels to go out and do His will. He wants to use us in His army! He wants to use us to bring forth life! He wants to use us to snatch our friends and family out! We are in a fight! This is not a cruise ship. . .it’s a battleship! God has called us. We are the elect. The moment we say yes to God is the moment the enemy will bring on the war. It’s time to act! Do you want your friends and family to go to hell? We’ve got the answer to keep them from going there. We’ve got the key! We are soldiers and we’ve got work to do!