Living With The Enemy

Living With The Enemy

Text: Judges 2:1-5

Potential unfulfilled is a tragedy. As we are waiting for our King to arrive, people are living according to their own truths. They don’t believe there is an absolute Truth. God has made a covenant with us, but we have broken that covenant for the desires of the flesh. The church has allowed the things of the word to creep in. When we come to the House of the Lord, we come to hear the Word, to be uplifted, and to be encouraged so that we can go back out into the world and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to grow in the things of God to do this effectively. God is coming back for His church. . .a church without spot or wrinkle. A church that has not “cheated” on Him.

If there is sin in our lives, we must get rid of it. The one thing that we think we have control of will eventually enslave us. God wants us to get rid of our sin. Disobedience will cause consequences. Hold onto obedience and submit to the Lord! Let’s not allow anything to break our covenant with the Lord!