Notice The Time That We’re In:Because Of You And Me

Notice The Time That We’re In:Because Of You And Me

The enemy is on the move. Our youth are used to what the enemy has done to them. It’s not right that our youth have gun drills in the school. In case a shooter steps on the premises, they have drills of where to go and what to do. And, they’re used to it! It’s unsatisfactory! It’s not normal! Yet, they’re used to it! There’s more gun violence every year in Chicago than any war that’s going on. It’s not normal! We can no longer sit under a rock and say we’re living in the end times. Yes, we are, but God has called us to be a light in these times. God is over the end times! We need to seek God’s face till revival comes. But, are we willing to pay the price? Why are we used to living without power? Why is it that we just want to be happy. We just want to be comfortable. So many of us our stuck in our sin and we don’t even realize it. Why? Because we’ve gotten used to it! Because we only have made a half commitment to Christ! TODAY is the day of salvation!