Seeking To Save The Lost

Seeking To Save The Lost

Text: Luke 15:1-32; Luke 19:10

Your only source shouldn’t be what comes from the preacher. We need to be in the Word, study the Word, and know the Word! Stay with the Word! That’s our Source! Sometimes we’re too “religious” and stay away from the “unreligious”. . .they’re “sinners”. But, Jesus ate with the unsaved. He had fellowship with them. He is our example. We are to fellowship with the unsaved to introduce them to Jesus. We may be the only Jesus they see. We need to take on the mindset that every soul matters. Those of the world are lost and our mission is to seek the lost and lead them to Christ. They need salvation! God is so in love with us, He rejoices when we repent and turn to Him. When we’re serving the devil, he will bring us down. . .down low! We need to realize we’re sinning against God, humble ourselves, and repent. God has His arms open wide, waiting for us. We don’t deserve it, but He gives us His Mercy and His Grace. He will always give us what we need. Let’s set our hearts on seeking the lost. They need a Savior and we can be the ones to introduce them to Him! Our primary duty is to keep the Light of the Gospel shining.