We Must Bring Forth Fruit

We Must Bring Forth Fruit

Text: John 15:1-5

We are going through a pandemic, racial tension, and political tension. These are the “birth pains”. Our foundation must be on solid ground and our concern should be to save souls. We must bear fruit or God will start pruning us. If we have something “dead” in us, it’s time to cut it off or it will hinder us from bearing good fruit. That “dead” stuff is sin. Get rid of it! We can’t serve God and the world. We must remain in God in the good times and the bad times. Every time we seperate ourselves from God, we begin to die. We are the branches and He is the Vine. We must stay connected to Him and say, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” God is calling us to bear fruit. It’s a new year. Let’s get rid of those things that are keeping us from growing in God. Jesus is coming and it’s time to get ready!