"Holy Spirit" Tagged Sermons

"Holy Spirit" Tagged Sermons

The Holy Spirit-Our Advocate

Text: John 16:12-15 The Holy Spirit will teach us how to live. He is our Helper. We need to understand the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. It’s to our advantage. The Holy Spirit will help us get through whatever we’re dealing with. He’ll reveal Truth to us. He’ll illuminate Jesus to us. He’s here to glorify Christ through our lives and He will show us everything Christ has for us. Let’s strive to be more like…

The Work Of The Holy Spirit In The World Today

Text: John 16:8-11 We need to know that we’re being lead by the Holy Spirit. He was sent to us for our benefit. He has come in power and demonstration! It’s time for the saints to stand up for Truth and Righteousness. The enemy is on the prowl. But, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit who will guide us into ALL Truth! The Holy Spirit is exposing everything that is wicked and ungodly. The Holy Spirit is here to claim…

The Holy Spirit And Our Responsibility

Text: Romans 8:12-13 Once we are born again, the Holy Spirit lives in us. Because of that, we are no longer controlled by the flesh, but by the Spirit. We’ve been pocessed by the Holy Spirit. We are no longer dead to sin, but alive in Christ. We now have a new position. We’ve been made righteous. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us! Therefore, we have the promise of eternal life. We are…

Jesus Prayed For The Helper

Text: John 14:15-18 The Holy Spirit is what is needed in this world today. If we’re going to have an impact for His Kingdom, we must truly depend on and trust in the working of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said if we really love Him, we will be obedient to Him. The true test is not what we say, but our walk with the Lord. Are we obeying Him and applying His Truth to our lives? Real love brings about…

The Holy Spirit In The Church

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 We can have some great experiences, but if we don’t have the understanding of the experience, it does us no good. The same thing is true in the church. If we don’t understand the working of the Holy Spirit, our focus can be on a counterfeit spirit, instead of the real thing. We need to be very careful and discern the spirits. Anything that takes us outside the Word of God is not the Holy Spirit.…

Walk In The Spirit

Text: Galatians 5:16-18 What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? It’s a continual lifestyle. . .our minds, our emotions, and our actions. It’s a “faith walk”. We have to believe that once we received Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit came to live in us and changed our wicked hearts. We cannot keep ourselves. We need the Power of the Spirit working in us. The Holy Spirit is our guide. He is leading us to spiritual maturity.…

Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit

Text: Ephesians 4:25-32 We need the Holy Spirit in all of our relationships. . .at work and at home! We are not to cause the Holy Spirit anguish, sorrow, sadness, or disappointment. And, since the Holy Spirit is God, that means we are not to cause God anguish, sorrow, sadness, or disappointment. People who do things their way and disregard the things of God are causing God sadness, grief, and hurt. God has sealed us till the day Jesus returns.He…

When The Comforter Comes

Text: John 14:16-18 The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit IS God! He moves in us every day of our lives. He lives in us! He is our Comforter and Helper. He is our Encourager and Advocate. He is the Power to make a difference in our lives. The Holy Spirit makes the unlearned wise. We can have all we want and do all we want to do,…

We Need The Holy Spirit-Not The Flesh

How important is the Holy Spirit in your life? Are you working to please the Lord or are you working with the Lord? When we recognize that Jesus walked the earth as a sinless man with the Holy Spirit working through Him, we will, then, understand how much we need the Holy Spirit to work through us.