Are You Forsaking The Church

Are You Forsaking The Church

Text: Hebrews 10:24-25

Have you been faithful to the body of Christ? Christianity was never meant to be a “solo” project. Church membership is biblical. Some people miss the understanding of this. Being faithful to your church is a new covenant. The new covenant is faithfulness and accountability. God is calling us to be connected to the body. When we say we are part of the body, we have made a commitment to Jesus. . .not a building. . .not a specific church. . .not a pastor, but to Jesus! Whatever church you belong to is the church that God placed you. He has a purpose for you being there. Are you fulfilling that purpose? You are needed! Jesus is on His way back. We need each other to stay encouraged! Are you willing to not forsake the church and to be faithful to what He has called you? We need EVERYONE! Be faithful! Be accountable!