Being Born Again

Being Born Again

Text: John 3:1-8

When we are “about our Father’s business”, people are drawn to us. They see what we’re doing and how we’re acting. This is our opportunity to share the Truth. We can talk the talk, but we need to walk the walk. We can look and act like Christians, but if we’re not born again, we will not inherit the Kingdom of God. We must be in right standing with God. We need to know Christ for ourselves and have a relationship with Him. When we do, our lives are totally different than they were before. . .we’ve changed! We no longer desire the things of the world. We realize we are sinners in need of a Savior. We need a “spiritual cleansing” in our lives. When the Holy Spirit comes in us and does a work in us, we become born again. Only God can change us. Do we see a progression in the things of God? Do we believe the things of this world are worthless? Do we see ourselves hungry for the Truth? If we’ve answered “yes”, then we’ve been born again.