Jesus Is Simply Better

Jesus Is Simply Better

Text: Hebrews 1:1-4

There are things going on, distractions of the world, that are taking our eyes off what’s really important. . .Jesus!

When tradition, religion, and good works take the place of a relationship with Jesus, there’s a problem. Some may think Jesus is a prophet, but the truth is, Jesus is God! It is only through Jesus that we see God. Jesus was the first that existed. Jesus was the agent used for all creation. Jesus is the perfect reflection of God. Jesus gave Himself for ALL of us. He endured the cross, with joy, for our sins. We no longer have to live in sin. Jesus paid the price for ALL of us!

What we have, as believers, is simply better. We have all we need in Jesus Christ.

Are you dealing with sin? Jesus can fix it! Does your marriage need to be restored? Jesus can fix it! Is your life in turmoil? Jesus can fix it!

Jesus is simply better!