When God Gets Fed Up

When God Gets Fed Up

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8

God’s time is not as our time. God is long suffering. But, God can only take so much because He is a Holy God! There is no hurt as deep as when a child hurts and disrespects his parents. We are children of God. We can only hurt and disrespect our Father for so long before He gets fed up. What one generation tolerates, another will legislate. We must be careful of the things we allow into our lives. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump! We need to get to the place where we say, “I want what God wants!” Our character should reflect God’s image. We need to stand out, not blend in! God WILL put a stop to sin. God is Holy and He wants us Holy! He wants us righteous! He wants ALL of us, not part of us! The devil doesn’t get worried if we go to church. He gets worried when we start becoming more like God! When God gets tired and fed up. . .that’s it! His grace will run out. We, as believers, must not touch that unclean thing. We need to be the salt and light of the world. Our time is now! At some point, God will say, “I’m fed up! I’m coming NOW!”